We live in an era where contemporary medicine improves and gives new breakthroughs by the minute. Technology has advanced and upgraded the quality of life on earth. But even modern medicine is not effective enough to completely cure all diseases on the planet. Physical as well as mental conditions continue to afflict millions of people. For this reason, alternative forms of medicine and treatments were established. One of the most popular complementary forms is Reiki – the universal life energy.

The fundamental principles of Reiki explain that all living things possess the universal life energy. When channeled and harnessed properly, this life energy can sustain a person’s life, keep it healthy, and possibly provide longevity. Reiki self healing require no specialized equipment or medicines. It simply involves the laying of hands of the practitioner administering the treatment onto the recipient or himself / herself. The practitioner then channels energy from the universe to the body of the recipient. When a balance of energy is restored within the recipient, he or she will feel rejuvenated, and in most cases, healed of the ailment.

Reiki self healing is not a religious ritual. As a matter of fact, scientific organizations and even medical professionals recommend it as a complement to clinical treatments. When the universal life energy of a patient with severe conditions is channeled properly, he or she will be more responsive to medicines and therapy. There were studies that have cited Reiki as an effective optimizer for medicine, whether it is for the placebo effect or the real power of the healing energy.


 Become a Reiki Master and Start Healing Yourself & Others With Reiki.

Before one can become a Reiki practitioner, one has to be attuned to the universe energy first. All living things, especially humans, possess this energy, but many are unaware of its existence, let alone the ability to control it. Attunements are done in several sessions, under the supervision of a certified Reiki master. Once a person has received attunements, he or she can use the energy anytime and anywhere. Initiations for Reiki healers last for a life time and even eternity, as many believers say.

How can you gain these Reiki sessions and attunements? The main requirement is to find a Reiki master who will teach you everything you need. Reiki masters can be from persons of all professions and age groups. They all began as ordinary people who attuned themselves and have the potential to maximize the use of the life energy.

Studies and attunements of Reiki usually last for two weeks. But there are some who offers a one day Reiki session where you could learn everything you want as a beginner. Then, it’s up to you whether to continue or not. The primary necessity for Reiki to be successful is for you to be willing enough to accept it.

Reiki is a powerful method to balance and heal your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. It offers beneficial effects for everyone and does not require anything from its recipient. It is completely safe, since it is non-invasive and is recommended by many health professionals.

There are also Reiki home study courses available. The most frequently used is Reiki Master Home Study Course

healing hands reiki imageMedical healings today go beyond that of physical healing. Alternative modalities focus on spiritual factors as well as energy to promote physical, mental, and emotional health to a patient. One such alternative healing comes in the form of Reiki.

Reiki is a process of energy transfer and balance that brings out deep relaxation in a person’s body. It clears away the toxins in the body and destroys energy blockage, so it leads to healing and overall well-being. Reiki is often associated with yoga because both have certain positions that are done during the sessions or classes. These positions were created to properly facilitate the channeling of energy from the Reiki healer to the recipient.

Reiki healing considers the hand as the vital part to be used, since practitioners believe that this is where energy can be passed from. For them, placing the hand on the appropriate part or area of the body is enough to bring healing. Below are some positions for specific body parts which are used in Reiki.

HEAD – If the patient is dealing with eye problems, fatigue, colds, fever, or sinusitis, the palms of the Reiki healer are placed in a position that will cover the eyes while fingertips are on the cheeks and the thumbs bridge the nose. Additionally, if the disease is related to the ears, another position should be made. The hands should be placed over the ears with fingertips extending from the jaw lines to the neck.

CHEST – One position that for the chest is the placement of one hand across the thymus, a part of the immune system near the neck, and the other hand rests between the breasts at an angle of 90 degrees. This position helps in the reinforcement of the immune system and the lymphatic system.

ABDOMEN – One technique for this particular part of the body is by placing the hands on either side of the person’s navel. This position is done particularly for healing the digestive system. This Reiki technique is mainly for the treatment of nausea, indigestion, and other digestive ailment. It also clears away tension, anxiety, worry and stress that are brought about by imbalanced digestive conditions.

BACK – For this area, the hands are placed at the shoulders. This is said to influence organs such as the intestines, heart, and also certain muscles in the shoulder region. This helps deal with muscular tension, headaches, and other related problems.

These are just some of the Reiki healing hands positions that can be used to deal with specific health problems. There are other techniques that can be performed and mastered. Reiki practitioners also mention that these can be self-administered, as well as performed on other patients, even animals.

For more information on Reiki healing hands positions visit "The Essence of Reiki" – The Number One Usui Reiki Master Home Study Course

Reiki is the practice of natural healing that had its origin in Japan in the early 20th century. By letting the healing energy flow through the palms, Reiki is able to give self-treatment to the practitioner and even treatment to others. Those who receive Reiki treatment may be healed of diseases and certain ailments. The name Reiki is Japanese for “universal life energy”. Rei means spiritual while Ki is the same as the Chinese word for energy.

Due to lack of written documentations, there are some uncertainties about the history and validity of Reiki. It is certain that Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, who some historians claim to be a Christian monk, while others say he was a Buddhist. One account told that Usui was on a journey in search for the answer to his question: how Jesus did his healing miracles.

He began an extensive twenty-one-year study of the healing phenomena of history's greatest spiritual leaders. He also studied ancient sutras (Buddhist teachings written in Sanskrit). He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the Universal Life Energy for healing. Usui then underwent a metaphysical experience and became empowered to use these sounds and symbols to heal. He called this form of healing Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893.

When he returned to Tokyo, Usui began his practice of healing the sick. Usui developed his plans and as a result, he worked not only on physical healing but on spiritual healing as well. He traveled around the countryside and shared his healing practice to other people. Usui met in one of villages he visited was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, a Naval Commander in the Naval Reserve. Hayashi was very willing to learn and began traveling and training with Usui. He went on to take over teaching of Reiki when Usui died in 1926.

Hayashi went back to Tokyo and continued to teach the practice of Reiki. He also opened a clinic for healing the sick. When he died in 1940, he passed on his leadership to the Hawaiian Mrs. Hawayo Takata.

Mrs. Takata, who was trained by Hayashi, was the one who introduced Reiki to the west in 1938. Because of the condition of war during the time when she was teaching Reiki to other practitioners, she taught in a very rigid way. She told her students to teach others in the way she taught them and that they should only have one Reiki master. At that time, she didn’t provide her students with printed materials. Mrs. Takata’s way of teaching was more on preserving the tradition of Reiki rather on the healing process itself. In the 1970’s, she was able to train 22 Reiki masters.

As the decades passed, Reiki also changed in some ways. New Reiki techniques have been developed, and hundreds more masters and practitioners followed. Unlike the traditional practice that Mrs. Takata taught, Reiki masters can now develop their own personal style to further improve their healing abilities. Because of the efforts of these three people, Usui, Hayashi, and Mrs. Takata, and the other Reiki masters who trained under them, Reiki continues to give hope to many.

There are Reiki home study courses available. The most frequently used is “The Essence of Reiki”



Since its beginning, Reiki has been told to have the ability to heal many kinds of diseases, both physical and mental. According to medical doctors and health practitioners, Reiki is also a useful means that can be coupled with current medication or physical therapy. In many instances, the effectiveness of medicines is enhanced when the patient receives Reiki treatment.

Informational resources on Reiki support that Reiki sessions are completely safe and non-invasive. They do not require any surgery or tools to perform. This is why Reiki is welcome to be practiced by all persons, young and old. There are even particular forms of Reiki to specifically meet the needs of pregnant or nursing mothers and even babies.

Pregnant women are very fragile and sensitive to environmental conditions. Most doctors do not recommend for women to undergo massage treatments, and taking in of medications is limited. A pregnant woman is most likely to experience many discomforts throughout her trimesters, such as nausea, muscle pain, back pain, lack of sleep, and exhaustion. These conditions not only take a toll on the woman’s body, but also on her unborn child.

Special Reiki treatments can be given to pregnant women even during the earliest or latest months of her pregnancy. Special hand positions can be done to relieve tension from the back and shoulders. Reiki can be applied to the feet as they are the most strained during pregnancy. In the third trimester, as the belly begins to put on extra weight, hands can be placed at the base of the belly before Reiki can be performed.

Nearing the time of delivery, Reiki can be applied on the woman’s belly and channeled to the baby. Some claim that Reiki energy excites the baby and allows it to move in a preferable and comfortable position within the womb. Some doctors also recommend for women to be given Reiki while she is giving birth. The energy from Reiki can help soothe and relieve the stress caused by delivery.


Nursing mothers can also give their babies Reiki. Touch is a very powerful therapy for infants, as it is proven to increase the birth weight of premature babies. Reiki is often recommended for babies whenever they feel the following: colds, infections, stomach problems, nausea, stress, and behavioral problems.

Reiki practitioners say that the younger the child is, the more receptive he or she is about the universal energy. Results are more likely to be apparent, and no harmful side effects will occur. There are certain indicators that inform a practitioner if energy is being channeled through to the child. Some instances involve the child becoming flushed or extra warm after a Reiki treatment, but this is normal. The child may also become restless or distracted when he or she feels she has received enough of the treatment.

Reiki can improve the overall health conditions of pregnant mothers and their babies. Partners can also strengthen the bonds between each other whenever they practice Reiki on themselves or their children. Truly, Reiki can do more than provide physical healing, but it promotes emotional and mental benefits as well.

Reiki Master Home Study Course

Reiki is an alternative healing technique that balances the body’s physical and spiritual conditions, which leads to healing and a healthy life. Reiki practitioners give their patients Reiki healing energy. This energy provides a way to keep a balance between a man’s auras and chakras. Auras are said to be unseen human energy fields that surround the body, and chakras are energy centers located in various areas of the body. When the proper balance of energy is achieved, the body’s healing system will function normally and effectively.

There are a lot of benefits that are achieved through Reiki, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In short, Reiki deals with all aspects of our lives. Reiki can relieve stress, ease tension, and promote relaxation. It also optimizes the body’s own healing system. Not only that, if you are having a problem with sleep, Reiki can also help you to achieve it.

What is more, Reiki treatments and sessions also support the immune system. Reiki also lowers the body’s blood pressure and helps in treating acute and chronic diseases, including asthma, diabetes, and others. It also helps in detoxifying the body leaving it free from harmful substances. Reiki balances the body’s energy and assists the work of the endocrine system. In addition to this, it helps break addiction. This is why Reiki is used in treating drug addicts in rehabilitation centers. It also reduces some side effects of drugs, other medication, and chemotherapy. Current research is being done to determine how conventional treatments can be optimized when coupled with Reiki.

In a spiritual level, Reiki elevates the body’s vibration frequency and helps a person achieve spiritual growth. It also clears the mind of all negative things, bringing the body into an emotionally and mentally healthy state. It is known that when the body is relaxed and free from stress or problems, the natural system of healing is restored.

Reiki masters say that the long term use of Reiki will make you achieve the best condition of your body. It clears all toxin build-up in the body which often causes stress and lets the body clear away depression and anxiety.

Reiki does not choose the persons it benefits. It is an effective healing tool that is available any day and any time. In order to obtain the benefits of Reiki for overall well-being, one needs only to be willing to receive the treatment. Reiki can deal with people’s problems whether it is stress or sickness. It is advantageous for all ages, including pregnant women, children, and everyone else. Reiki is non-invasive, and will not harm the body nor react adversely with medications.

Reiki can offer an improved quality of life, in all aspects. It is a powerful tool that gives hope and possible cures for the many diseases in the human population. It only needs to be recognized and accepted, and Reiki can change your family’s life as well as your own.

There are Reiki home study courses available. The most frequently used is “The Essence of Reiki